Oct 5, 2013

A Study On Functions Of Forefront Identity Manager

By Rhea Solomon

Management is a tool used by all businesses and by forefront identity manager to do their operations. It involves performing different functions and they include staffing, organizing, directing, planning and controlling. Top level managers are in charge of doing all these therefore you expect them to be skilled and experienced people. They need to be the oversight and principal administrators of the business hence you will expect them to have great knowledge of doing things too.

In its broader view it means the organizing and coordinating of activities of the business so that a business organization is able to meet its objectives and goals. For this to happen there should be factors of production available and the principal to administer this.

Some of the factors of production include labor and capital goods. There is supposed to be employees that will be able to work with full effort so that the business will be more productive. There is also need of financial and capital resources. The money is to be used to obtain raw materials and capital items like machines are to increase the productivity of the firm.

Planning is very essential in management. Any business does operate not only to survive but achieve some given targets. These targets are its high and quality production goals that can make it better in the market than its competitors. It is therefore the mandate of the managers to come up with goals, how they are going to be achieved and the means to achieve them.

Organizing is one of the major functions of management. It involves laying down all relationship structures whereby employees are kept aware of who to report to who and who to receive directions from. It has the component of specialization and division of labor. Here employees are awarded job which has been reduced into several units and they take what they are best suited at. Departmentalization is also part of this whereby different departments are set to concentrate in a particular line of work. Therefore the employees report to the departmental managers who then report to the overall managers.

However what initiates other management functions is planning. This is important to give the business a focus. It is unlikely that the firm will produce good results given they do not have goals and objectives that guide them. The manager therefore decides what the organization is to achieve and strategies and procedures to do that are laid down as well.

Managers also need to do staffing and directing. These two are broad as well. Staffing involves the basic unit in the production process which is the human labor. The managers therefore do recruitment of new employees, train them and evaluate their performance later on. However one important thing that managers use in making employees work harder is through motivating them.

Given the many advantages of forefront identity manager in management, it is a tool that should be used in every organization. It enables the business to compete in the market appropriately. Also it makes living standards grow and the economy due to more productivity.

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